Recommendation Image

The Nabob's Daughter

Heileman, Jess

The Nabob’s Daughter is officially on my favorite reads list.

I adored Honora and her love of India. The culture and historical facts thrown in were beautiful and eye opening. There were so many things I didn’t know about that amazing country.

Honora is spunky and I loved that she tried to trick everyone into thinking she was a terrible person. It made for a very entertaining story.

Graham is adorable. His scheming with Honora and fighting back a laugh at her antics made me smile every time. His admiration for Honora from the beginning was heartwarming. I enjoyed all the twists!

This was a free audiobook on YouTube.

Content: Clean/Sweet. Only a few kisses near the end. Mentions poor conditions and treatment of some of the foreigners (very mild).


June 15, 2021